HRSA Grant Development Track Record
Total HRSA grants:
$81,443,000 annually
Other government and philanthropic grants:
$11,705,000 annually
Grand total: $211,736,000 over 10 years
Federal Grants
HRSA Grants
- 10 New Access Point awards (including one PHPC and 3 HCH)
- 11 Service Area Competition renewals
- 2 LookAlike Designations/renewals
- 4 FQHC Planning grant awards
- 4 Oral Health awards
- 2 Behavioral Health awards
- 2 Pharmacy awards
- 7 Service Area Competition renewals
- 3 HCAP awards
- 3 Maternal and Child Health awards
- 5 Ryan White EIS awards
- 4 Ryan White awards
- 2 School-Based Health Center Capital grants
- 2 FIP capital grants awarded out of 2 applications ($22 million)
- 1 Primary Care Residency Program award (THCGME)
- 1 AAFT award
- 1 TCE - HIV Prevention
- 1 TCE- Health IT
- 1 TCE - Women’s Substance Abuse
- 1 Peer-to-Peer
- 1 Primary and Behavioral Health Care Integration
Office on Minority Health
- 1 Bilingual - Bicultural award
- 1 Children’s Insurance Grant (CHIPRA)
State Grants
- Department of Public Health: Wellness grant, Screening award, Urgent Care Center and 2 HIV grants
- Department of Mental Health: 2 Respite contracts, 1 Clubhouse program, 2 Children’s outpatient services
- MBHP: 2 Emergency Services Provider awards
- EEC: Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation grant
New York
- Public Health Solutions: 1 HIV Rapid Testing award and 1 award for Priority Populations for HIV Testing
- HIV Prevention: Sexual and Behavioral Health Services for Priority Populations
- Check Hep C
Strategic Plans
- Clinical and Support Options, Hilltown Community Health Centers, Lutheran Family Health Centers, South End Community Health Center, Southwest CARE Center